"No Gods, No Masters" Vol 3
2018: "No Gods No Masters" Vol 3
With each of the previous two EPs, the Sins raised the bar, for both themselves and the vast majority of other metal bands around them. They produced two of the most intense and impactful songs I have heard in the five years during which this project has gestated: two songs which will stand toe to toe, nose to nose, with any other metal anthem produced in the same period and, as we say in this part of the world, knock the ballix clean out of ‘em. They’d set themselves a helluva task when it came to the third and final instalment…
Well. I’ll tell you what: not only have they risen to the challenge – but they’ve blown it clean out of the ball park. You would, probably fairly, expect any band at this stage of their career to sit back and replicate what they have done before – but not the Sins. With ‘NGNM3’ they have produced not only their single strongest body of work but a career defining collection of songs: I’m not just saying this because I’m friends with the guys in the band… after all, a whack of years back I accused them of playing “metal by numbers”. With ‘NGNM3’ they are laying down a marker which many other bands will struggle to emulate.
With ‘NGNM3’, Sinocence have not only come to the end of a long and painful road, but also have reached the point in their careers where they most definitely are their own masters of their own destiny. And, as such, they have produced a career-defining release and one which exemplifies what a band can do when they are at the height of their powers.